[Victoria2 HOD] 치트 및 이벤트 목록
Victoria2 Heart of Darkness 치트 및 이벤트 목록
- 명령어 입력창 여는 법: "~" 키 또는 "ALT+2+1"
- 꺾쇠괄호 [ 와 ] 는 무시하세요.
- 괄호 ( 와 ) 사이의 내용은 해당 명령어의 단축 버전입니다.
- Paradox Interactive 포럼을 참조하였습니다.
- V2 v3.03 에서 확인하였습니다.
===== 시스템 =====
showprovinceid(provid) - 프로방스 ID를 툴팁에 표시 - Toggles province ID visibility in tooltips date [yyyy.mm.dd.hh]
- 날짜 및 시간 변경 - Changes current date
debug fow
- 전체 지도를 밝힘
- Turns on\of fog of war
help [명령어]
모든 명령어 목록을 보여주거나 해당 명령어에 대한 설명을 보여줌
- Print out all console commands or a specific command description
tag [TAG]
- 플레이하는 국가를 해당 국가로 변경
- Change the player country to the one specified. The [TAG] part must be in caps, and more than 1 change "sleeps" the AI of the affected country until reload.
===== 경제 =====
money [숫자]
- 숫자만큼의 돈 부여
- Gives XXX money to player
goods [숫자]
- 모든 상품을 숫자만큼 부여 (너무 큰 숫자 넣으면 세계경제 엉망됨)
- Gives XXX goods to player plus the same amount of money (Warning: large amount of goods lead to economical problems)
debug allmoney
- 모든 자금 변동 정보를 표시
- Shows info for money transfers
===== 정치 =====
- 즉시 선거 시행
- Starts common elections right now
- 즉각 상원 재개편
- Instant upper house reelection.
suppress [숫자]
- 숫자만큼 억제점 부여
- Adds suppression points to your country.
===== 외교 =====
Prestige [숫자]
- 숫자만큼 국가 위신 부여
- Gives XXX prestige to player
breakalliances(breakally) [TAG]
- 해당 국가의 모든 동맹 파기
- Breaks all alliances for you or for specific country
- 반란 세력에 의해 국가 전복
- Breaks country with first rebel faction in specified country
breakcountry(break) [TAG]
- 반란 세력에 의해 해당 국가 전복
- Breaks country with first rebel faction in specified country
debug alwaysdiplo
- 외교 명령 무제한
- Makes diplomats endless
debug yesmen
- AI가 모든 외교 제안을 수락 (AI끼리도)
- The AI accepts any deal with the player or other AI players
===== 전쟁 =====
conquerall [TAG]
- 해당 국가의 모든 프로방스를 점령 (전쟁 상대 국가에만 적용됨)
- Set all enemy provinces under our control
provblockade(blockade) [provinceid]
- 해당 프로방스 항구 봉쇄
- Blockade province
debug alwaysaddwargoal
- 전쟁 목표의 제한을 제거
- Removes limits for wargoal
changecontroller [TAG] [province id]
- 해당 프로방스의 소유자를 해당 국가로 변경. 본래 땅 주인과 해당 국가가 전쟁 중일 경우에는 원래 주인에게 돌아감
- Change the current controller of [province id] to the TAG specified. Unless there a war between original owner and TAG province will return to the original owner
changeowner [TAG] [province id]
- 해당 프로방스를 해당 국가 점령지로 변경
- Change the current owner of [province id] to the TAG specified
leaderprestige(lprestige) [province] [숫자]
- 해당 프로방스에 위치한 장군 및 제독의 위신을 해당 숫자(퍼센티지)만큼 조정
- Adds prestige to leaders attached to units at specified location.
leadership [숫자]
- 숫자만큼 통솔치(리더십, 장군/제독 임관시킬 때 사용하는 수치) 부여
- Gives XXX leadership points to the player.
reorg <provinceid>
- 해당 프로방스에 위치한 모든 부대의 조직률과 전투력을 100%로 (아군만)
- All units in <provinceid> got 100% organization and full strength.
spawnunit [unit] [province id]
- 해당 프로방스에 해당 유닛 소환
- A [unit] appears in the province specified at 0 organization and full strength. In case of a land unit, the soldiers will come from a random province.
teleportselectionto(teleport) [province id]
- 선택된 유닛을 해당 프로방스로 텔레포트
- Teleports currently selected unit to location
===== 기술 및 생산 =====
- 하루만에 건물 및 유닛 생산 (AI에게도 적용됨)
- Buildings finish in one day. Affects human and AI players
- 위 명령어의 짧은 버전 (AI에게 적용 안됨)
- Short version of instantconstruction. Doesn't affect the AI
- 하루만에 연구 완료 (AI에게도 적용됨)
- Research finishes in one day. Affects human and AI players
- 위 명령어의 짧은 버전 (AI에게 적용 안됨)
- Short version of instantresearch. Doesn't affect the AI
researchpoints(rpoints) [숫자]
- 숫자만큼 연구점 부여
- Adds specified amount of research points.
- 모든 기술 목록을 보여줌
- Prints out all technologies
===== 이벤트 =====
- 해당 이벤트 실행 - Executes an event
event [id] [province id]
- (Province events) Trigger events with the id specified, ignoring it requirements. You can specify the province affected, otherwise it default to the capital province.
event [id] [TAG]
- (Country events) Trigger events with the id specified, ignoring it requirements. You can specify the country affected, if no TAG it use the current country.
===== 이벤트 목록 =====
Event 1000 Make Socialist government available
Event 1001 Make Communist government available
Event 1002 Make Anarcho-liberal government available
Event 1003 Make Fascist government available
Event 1100 Gold Rush
Event 2000 Assimilation Troubles
Event 2510 casus belli - Cut Size
Event 2520 casus belli - Humility
Event 2530 casus belli - Place in the Sun
Event 2540 casus belli - Cut Size
Event 2550 casus belli - Drum of War
Event 2560 casus belli - Patrimony
Event 2570 casus belli - Conquest
Event 3000 Health Care In favor of 30% Support in Provence
Event 3100 Press Rights
Event 3200 Forms a New Political Party
Event 3300 Pensions In favor of 20% Support in Provence
Event 3400 Unemployment Subsidies In favor of 30% Support in Provence
Event 3401 Extend Subsidies or No Subsidies
Event 3402 Lower Subsidies or Good Subsidies
Event 3403 40% In favor of Acceptable Subsidies or In favor of 40% Acceptable Min. Wage
Event 3404 20% In favor of Good Subsidies
Event 3500 30% In favor of Trade Unions
Event 3600 Safety Regulations
Event 3700 40% In favor of Lower Work Hour Reform
Event 3750 Public Meetings
Event 3800 40% In favor of Increases Wage Reform
Event 3900 40% In favor of Trade Unions Reform
Event 4000 Slavery Abolishment Movement Support
Event 4100 40% In favor of Upper House
Event 4200 10% In favor of New Voting System Reform
Event 4300 20% In favor of New Vote Franchise Reform
Event 4305 Provence Lose 2 Militancy
Event 4400 Trade Policy Rich and Middle or Middle and Lower Lose Militancy
Event 4402 30.00 Improve Relations with Neighbor and gain 5.250 Prestige
Event 5000 Introduce New Sport
Event 10000 Liberal Revolutions Liberal Gain Militancy
Event 12000 Safety Regulations
Event 12010 Safety Regulation Reform
Event 12060 Lose 1 War Exhaustion
Event 13000 Enables Western Influence or Isolationism
Event 14000 - 14210 Election Campaign Events
Event 14000 Trade Policy
Event 14010 Economy
Event 14020 Religion
Event 14030 Citizenship
Event 14040 War
Event 14050 Protectionism
Event 14060 Protectionism vs. Free Trade
Event 14070 Laissez Faire
Event 14080 Interventionism
Event 14090 State Capitalism
Event 14100 Planned economy
Event 14110 Atheism
Event 14120 Secularized
Event 14130 Pluralism
Event 14140 Moralism
Event 14150 Residency
Event 14160 Limited Citizenship
Event 14170 Full Citizenship
Event 14180 Jingoism
Event 14190 Pro-Military
Event 14200 Anti-Military
Event 14210 Pacifism
Event 14500 Colonial Uprisings
Event 15000 Nationalist movements Public Meeting/Police Brutality
Event 16000 American Civil War (only work if your are playing as USA)
Event 17000 Suffragette Movements
Event 17500 20% In favor of Socialism
Event 18000 - 18200 Upper House Events
Event 18000 10.0 Socialist
Event 18010 5 Liberals and 2 Conservatives add or 5 Conservatives and 2 Liberals add
Event 18020 20.0 Liberals
Event 18030 10.0 Liberals
Event 18040 20.0 Socialists
Event 18050 20.00 Liberals
Event 18060 10.0 Radicals
Event 18070 30.0 Liberals
Event 18080 30.0 Radicals
Event 18090 45.0 Liberals
Event 18100 All Population 20% in Favor of Healthcare Reform
Event 18110 All Population 20% in Favor of Subsides Reform
Event 18120 50.0 Conservatives
Event 18130 50.0 Socialists
Event 18150 20.0 Fascist
Event 18160 10.0 Liberals
Event 18170 30.0 Socialists
Event 18180 All Population Loses 1 Consciousness or Lose 1 Militancy
Event 18190 All Population 10% in Favor of Jingoism
Event 18200 All Population 10% in Favor of Laissez Fair
Event 18500 All Population Lose 1 Militancy or Lose 1 Consciences and Gain 5.250 Prestige
Event 18510 Gain 8.400 Prestige
Event 18520 All Population 5% in Favor of Jingoism and Lose 2.0 War Exhaustion or All Population 10% in Favor of Jingoism
Event 18530 Gain 1629.21 Research Points
Event 18540 Lose 3 Infamy or 2 Infamy and Gain 5.250 Prestige "changes your national value"
Event 18550 Gain 2 Militancy and 10.5 Prestige or Gain 1 Militancy
Event 18560 All Population Lose 1 Militancy or Lose 1 Consciences
Event 18570 Gain 10 Prestige and Lose 1 Militancy or Gain 814.61 Research Points
Event 18580 All Population 20% in Favor of Pacifism
Event 19000 Great Power Rivalries
Event 19500 Boer War Gain casus belli on Zulu
Event 21000 Diseases & Famines -4 Population in Provence
Event 21500 Natural Disasters Lose 10 Life Rate and Gain -10% Population in Provence
Event 22000 - 22080 Crimes & Punishments
Event 22000 Enables Trusty System
Event 22010 Establish a Penal Colony
Event 22020 Penal Reform
Event 22030 Foul Murder
Event 22040 Chain Gang
Event 22050 Wanted
Event 22060 Life Without Parole
Event 22070 Debtors Prison
Event 22080 Capital Punishment
Event 22500 Economical Events Enables Stock Market Crash
Event 23200 Exploration the Nile River
Event 23400 Host the Olympics
Event 23450 Win a Nobel Prize
Event 29900 50% Increases of Farmers Efficiency
Event 30000 Host the World Fairs
Event 31100 The Discovery of Troy
Event 31300 All Population Gain 1 Connectionism
Event 33000 Open a Theater in Berlin
Event 35000 British Monarchy House Splits
Event 37700 Order Church Property Sold
Event 44000 Leper Colony Founded in Hawaii
Event 60000 Country Becomes Communist Dictatorship
Event 60010 Country Becomes Military Dictatorship
Event 60020 Country Becomes Radical Dictatorship
Event 60030 Country Becomes Fascist Dictatorship
Event 60040 Country Becomes Absolute Monarchy
Event 60050 Country Becomes Constitutional Republic
Event 60060 Country Becomes Semi-Constitutional Monarchy
Event 60070 Country Becomes Constitutional Monarchy
Event 60080 Country Becomes Military Dictatorship
Event 60090 Country Becomes Radical Dictatorship
Event 60100 Country Becomes Communist Dictatorship
Event 60110 Country Becomes Fascist Dictatorship
Event 60120 Annexation Event
If there's no parameter, you get annexed. GG.
If there is a parameter (event 60120 TAG) then the country gets annexed by its sphere master (assuming it's a sphereling).
If the target isn't a sphereling, then all of the target's land turns into empty uncolonized land. Fun way to break the world.
Event 60140 Political Reform Appointed
Event 60107 GET them BACK in the kitchen Ends Women Suffrage
Event 60108 Extend Slavery or Not to Extend Slavery
Event 96150 Lowers the Badboy to 25 and Gves 25 Prestige
군사 기술 목록: http://www.paradoxian.org/vicky2wiki/Army_tech
해군 기술 목록: http://www.paradoxian.org/vicky2wiki/Navy_tech
산업 기술 목록: http://www.paradoxian.org/vicky2wiki/Industry_tech
상업 기술 목록: http://www.paradoxian.org/vicky2wiki/Commerce_tech
문화 기술 목록:http://www.paradoxian.org/vicky2wiki/Culture_tech
지상 유닛 목록: http://www.paradoxian.org/vicky2wiki/Land_units
해군 유닛 목록: http://www.paradoxian.org/vicky2wiki/Naval_units
국가 TAG 목록: http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?121010-Country-List-(tags)-1.02