game/Skyrim - Guide

[모딩] STEP v2.2.9.2 / STEP 2 - 모드 설치

일몽 2016. 6. 12. 04:29



2. Update.esm 청소

1. [C:\...\Skyrim\Data] 폴더의 Update.esm 파일을 백업

2. MO에서 TES5Edit를 실행

3. 플러그인 리스트를 우클릭한 후 Select None을 선택

4. Update.esm을 더블 클릭

5. 오른쪽 패널에 "Background Loader: finished" 가 뜰때까지 대기

6. Update.esm을 우클릭하고 Apply Filter For Cleaning을 선택

7. 오른쪽 패널에 "[Filtering done] Processed Records" 메시지 뜰때까지 대기

8. Update.esm을 우클릭 후 "Remove "Identical to Master" records" 를 선택

9. "Warning!" 창이 뜰 경우 "Yes, I'm absolutely sure"를 선택

10. "[Removing "Identical to Master" records done] Processed Records" 메시지가 뜰때까지 대기

11. Update.esm을 우클릭하고 Undelete and Disable References를 선택

12. "[Undeleting and Disabling References done] Processed Records" 메시지가 뜰때까지 대기

13. 프로그램 창 오른쪽 상단의 X를 눌러 프로그램 종료

14. 나타나는 창에서 Update.esm 랑 Backup Plugins 을 체크하고 OK 클릭

15. Update.esm이 [C:\...\Skyrim\Data] 폴더에서 사라진 경우

A. 백업해둔 Update.esm 파일을 [C:\...\Skyrim\Data] 폴더로 복사

B. MO에서의 왼쪽 패널 아래에 Overwite를 더블클릭하여 열기

C. TES5Edit Backups 폴더와 Update.esm 파일을 확인

D. 백업해뒀던 Update.esm 파일을 이미 [C:\...\Skyrim\Data] 로 옮겼으므로, TES5Edit Backups 폴더를 우클릭하고 delete를 눌러서 삭제

E. Overwrite를 우클릭해서 Create Mod 선택

F. "Cleaned Update ESM"이라고 이름 넣고 OK 클릭

G. "Cleaned Update ESM"을 좌측 패널 최상단으로 이동시킴

16. 새로운 Update.esm이 [C:\...\Skyrim\Data]에 자동으로 생성된 경우 (백업해두었던 Update.esm과 파일 크기 비교 해 볼 것)

A. 백업해뒀던 파일을 삭제

3. Extenders

1. ENBoost 가이드

A. ENB binary 최신 버전을 다운받는다

B. [WrapperVersion] 폴더의 d3d9.dll 파일, enbhose.exe. 파일, enblocal.ini 파일을 [C:\...\Skyrim] 폴더로 복사

C. enblocal.ini 파일을 아래와 같이 설정

*주의: 추후 ENB 제작자가 만든 ENB 프리셋을 사용할 경우, enblocal.ini 파일을 그대로 덮어쓰지 말고 아래의 내용들만 따로 복사해서 붙일 것
해당 내용 전부 복사
해당 내용 전부 복사
위의 두 항목만 복사
해당 내용 전부 복사

2. Skyrim Script Extender(SKSE) 가이드

A. 다운받은 SKSE 압축파일을 풀고 *.exe 파일과 *.dll 파일들을 [C:\...\Skyrim] 폴더로 복사한다

B. 1.9.32 버전 기준으로 skse_1_9_32.dll 파일과 skse_loader.exe 파일, skse_steam_loader.dll 파일 총 3개이다

C. MO에서 skse 압축파일을 열어 data 폴더를 설치

D. 좌측패널에서, 설치한 SKSE 모드를 우클릭하여 '설치된 폴더 열기' 선택

E. [SKSE]라는 폴더를 열거나 없으면 만든다

F. skse.ini 파일을 만들고 아래의 내용을 넣는다








3. PapyrusUtil-Modders Scripting Utility Functions

4. Fixes

Core 1. Dawnguard

Core 2. Hearthfire

Core 3. Dragonborn

Core 4. Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch

이 모드는 MO의 왼쪽 패널 상에서 2번 항목에서 만들었던 Cleaned Dragonborn ESM 바로 다음에 위치시켜야 한다

Core 5. High Resolution Texture

베데스다의 공식 DLC이다.
3개의 플러그인으로 구성돼 있으며, MO의 왼쪽 패널 상에서 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch 바로 다음에 위치해야 한다.
배치 순서는 (HighResTexturePack01, HighResTexturePack02, HighResTexturePack03) 순이다.
High Resolution Texture Pack 의 텍스쳐들의 최적화된 버전을 사용한다면, HighResTexturePack03 의 바로 다음에 위치시켜야 한다

Core 6. Unofficial High Resolution

MO는 더미 플러그인 없이 Unofficial High Resolution Patch 를 로드할 수 있게 해준다

a. 프러그인 탭에서 더비 플러그인인 Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp 를 비활성화 하고

b. 아카이브 탭에서 Have MO manage archives 체크

c. 아카이브 탭에서 Unofficial High Resolution Patch.bsa 체크

Core 7. STEP Optimized Vanilla Textures

Optional Files 중에 하나를 골라 다운로드 받아 설치하고, MO의 아카이브 탭에서 해당 파일을 체크해 준다

Core 8. Appropriately Attired JarlsLink

Core 9. Brawl Bugs Patch

메인 파일 중 Compatibility Edition 만을 사용할 것

Enhanced Blood Textures 모드를 설치할 Extended 유저들을 이 모드를 설치할 필요 없다

Core 10. Clothing and Clutter

메일 파일 중 Clothing and Clutter Fixes 를 다운받아 설치한다

Core 11. Consistent Older People

메일 파일 중 Consistent Older People All NPCs 를 다운받아 설치할 것을 추천

모드가 제대로 패키징 돼 있지 않으므로, 설치시 Data 폴더를 우클릭 후 [데이터 디렉토리로 설정]을 선택 후 OK를 눌러라

Core 12. Cutting Room Floor

메인 파일 중 Cutting Room Floor - Legendary Edition 를 다운 받아 설치

Core 13. Dead Body Collision

Core 14. Double Cursor Fix

ENBoost를 설치했다면 이 모드를 생략할 수 있다.

Core 15. Enchantment Reload Fix

Core 16. Enhanced Lighting for ENB-LITE

메인 파일 중 ELE_Lite_v0_95c_Only IL STEP Specific 파일을 다운 받아 설치할 것을 추천

[Meta Rule Instructions]



Priority Value: 970000

ENB 프리셋과 함께 사용될 경우 이 모드는 실내 광원을 변경할 것이다. ENB 프리셋을 사용할 계획이라면, 해당 프리셋이 이 모드와 호환되는지를 확인하고, 불가능하다면 이 모드 설치 자체를 생략해라

Core 17. Fuz Ro D-oh

이 모드는 수동으로 수정해야할 필요가 있다.

The Fuz Ro D'oh.ini file needs to be edited manually. To do this:

A. While in Mod Organizer, right-click the Fuz Ro Doh mod on the left-hand side

B. Select the menu option Open in explorer

C. Within the new window, navigate into the SKSE\Plugins folder

D. Right-click within the folder and select the menu option New > Text Document

E. Name the file Fuz Ro D'oh.ini (make sure you are showing File Extensions - click here to see how)

F. Open the new file and copy the below contents, pasting them into the file



G. Save and close the file

Core 18. Guard Dialogue Overhaul

Do NOT clean with TES5Edit. ITMs/UDRs are intended by the author for the mod to work correctly.

Core 19. Improved Closefaced Helmets
Download and install the "Improved Closefaced Helmets (Legendary Edition)" and the "Update - Male corundum Dragon Priest mask texture fix" update file. [Merge] when asked for installing the update file.
Core 20. Invisibility Glitch Eyes

Core 21. NARC - No Animals Report Crimes
STEP recommends the NARC main file. All needed patches are included in the STEP Patches.

Core 22. Ragdoll Paralysis
Only install the Paralyze Miscellaneous file.

Core 23. Relighting Skyrim
Before installing Relighting Skyrim please ensure the chosen ENB Preset is compatible, else, skip this mod entirely.
STEP recommends the "Relighting Skyrim - No JIT" main file.
[FOMOD Instructions]
Relighting Skyrim Series
DotMO.png Exterior + Interior 체크
DLC Options
DLC Options
Legendary 체크

Core 24. SKSE -Elys- AltF4
ENBoost user can skip this mod. Users not installing ENBoost should install this mod.

Core 25. Skyrim Project Optimization
Download and install the "Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version" main file. Only tick Data and click [OK] to install.

Core 26. Smart Souls
The Smart Souls.ini file needs to be edited manually. To do this:
While in Mod Organizer, right-click the Smart Souls mod on the left-hand side
Select the menu option Open in explorer
Within the new window, navigate into the SKSE\Plugins folder
Right-click within the folder and select the menu option New > Text Document
Name the file Smart Souls.ini (make sure you are showing File Extensions - click here to see how)
Open the new file and copy the below contents, pasting them into the file

Save and close the file

Core 27. Smart Souls
STEP Recommends: Download and install the Hearthfire version of the mod and activate the .esp, but do not click "start mod" in the MCM options.

Core 28. Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade
[FOMOD Instructions]
Main File and DLC Selection
Main File and DLC Selection
Skyrim Legendary 체크
Customize Options 체크
Select Custom Options
True Weapons
True Orcish and Daedric Weapons 체크
Dragon Priest Masks
Faster Arrows
Dark Brotherhood Mask Fix
Dark Brotherhood Mask Fix 체크
Better Fitting Glass Helmet
Better Fitting Glass Helmet Meshes 체크
Compatibility Patches
aMidianborn Skyforge Weapons
Immersive Weapons None
Improved Closedfaced Helmets
Legendary 체크
Final Final
Final Step
Read Me File 체크

Optional 29. Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade
STEP recommends the Complete Crafting Overhaul main file and the CCO Compatibility Patch for WAF True Weapons optional file.

Optional 30. Realistic Ragdolls and Force
STEP Extended Patch users can remove the plugin from this mod. All other files are required.

Optional 31. XP32 Maximum Skeleton - XPMS
Download and install the XP32 Maximum Skeleton main file.
The installation instructions here support using wearable items from the Wet and Cold STEP mod. Skyrim Revisited includes different installation options that support using items from a different mod (Frostfall). The two installation option sets are not compatible.
[FOMOD Instructions]
Choose Your Setup
Bow and Quiver
XPMS Default
1st Person Skeleton
Did you USE Joy Of Perspective Mod?
Experimental Package
Choose Your Setup
1 Handed Sword Placement
XPMS Default
Choose Your Setup
Dagger Placement
Back Hip Dagger
Dagger Equip Animation Package
Back Hip Dagger Equip Animation
Back Hip Dagger equip animation
01 - Required Files
Skeleton Rig map

5. Interface

Core 1. Better Dialogue Controls

Core 2. Better MessageBox Controls

Optional 3. Disease Descriptions for the Immersive Adventurer

STEP Extended Patch users DO NOT need to install this mod.

For Version, select only Vanilla (unless you use Realistic Needs and Diseases), and for Official DLCs, select both Dawnguard and Dragonborn.

Core 4. EASIER LOCKPICKING - Without Cheating - Nordic Retexture

Core 5. High Quality 3D Map

STEP recommends installing both the HQ3DMap - Meshes Hi-Res and HQ3DMap - Normals Original main files.

Do not install any of the files with "Textures" in the file name.

Choose the 03 - High 1024x1024 option in the installer.

Optional 6. Immersive HUD - iHUD

Optional 7. KenMOD - Time on loading screen

Optional 8. Lore-Based Loading Screens

Core 9. Main Font Replacement

DO NOT USE this mod if Skyrim language is not set to English!

Optional 10. Main Menu Spinning Skyrim Emblem

STEP recommends the Main Menu Spinning Skyrim Emblem Average Speed main file.

Core 11. RaceMenu

Download and install the main file only.

The RaceMenuPlugin.esp can safely be moved to Optional ESPs in MO for users that do not use their features.

Core 12. Skyrim Skill Interface Re-Texture

Download and install the SSIRT v2.0 main file.

[FOMOD Instructions]



Please Read 체크


Mesh Fixes

Mesh Fixes 체크


Background - Default Stars - HDR Nebula 체크

Perk Lines

Perk Lines

Per Lines - Default 체크

Perk Line Colours

Perk Line Colours

Per Line Colour - Default 체크



Constellations - HD Default + Dawnguard 체크

Perk Stars

Perk Stars

Perk Stars - Enganced Default 체크


Dawnguard HD Moon

HD Werewolf Moon 체크

More Background Stars




Thank you 체크

Core 13. SkyUI

Core 14. Viewable Faction Ranks

Download and install the Viewable Faction Ranks Dawnguard and Dragonborn main file.

6. Conflicting Graphics

Core 1. Ultimate HD Fire Effects

Install the Ultimate HD Fire Effects -Medium Resolution- main file and the Ultimate HD Candle Flames optional file.

Core 2. SkyFalls and SkyMills - Animated Distant Waterfalls and WindMills

Download and install the "SkyFalls and SkyMills FOMOD-BAIN Installer" main file.

[FOMOD Instructions]

Installed DLC?

Dawnguard (DG)

Yes 체크

Dragonborn (DB)

Yes 체크

Flaskaar (FS)

No 체크

Wyrmstooth (WT)

No 체크

Check your choices

Check your selection

Both DG + DB 체크

LOD mod compatibility

LOD mod compatibility

I don't use these mods 체크


Optional Small Waterfalls

None 체크

Optional Patches


Windmill sail Size

1.5x vanilla (Default) 체크

Select your water mod

Realistic Water Two (Default) 체크

Core 3. Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM

Instructions are current up to v1.89 of SMIM!

Download and install the SMIM v1-89 main file.

[FOMOD Instructions]



Custom 체크



Improved Candelabras 체크


Improved Chandeliers (Recommended) 체크

Dungeons Cliffs Snow Skirts

Snow Blending ESP (Recommended) 체크


Improved Furniture 체크

Furniture Chests

Improved Furniture Chests 체크

Furniture Noble

Improved Furniture Noble 체크


Modified Vanilla Barrels 체크

Bowl Ingredients

Improved Bowl Ingredients 체크

Carriage Seats and Fixes

Improved Carriages 체크


Improved Food 체크

Food - Tomato Style

Default Heirloom 체크

Farmhouse Ropes

Farmhouse 3D Ropes No Fade (Recommended) 체크

Stockade 3D Ropes

Stockade 3D Ropes 체크

Chains 3D - Misc

Chains 3D - Misc 체크

Chains 3D - Signs

Chains 3D - Signs 체크

Chains 3D - Whiterun

Chains 3D - Whiterun 체크

Chains 3D - Pull Levers

Chains 3D - Pull Levers Small Rings (Recommended) 체크

Dwemer Clutter

Dwemer Clutter 체크

Nordic Tables and Benches

Nordic Tables and Benches 체크


Bridges 체크

Whiterun Doors

Whiterun Doors 체크


None 체크

Clothing Fixes

Clothing Fixes 체크

Farmhouse Woven Fence

Woven Fence Dense Grey 체크

(NOTE: If heavy flickering occurs with the fences, either disable or use the Woven Fence (Recommended) option.)


Dark Brushed Metal Tankards 체크

Ruins Sarcophagus

Ruins Sarcophagus 체크


Smelters 체크

Solitude Gate Doors

Solitude Gate Doors 체크

Draugr Corpses

Draugr Corpses 체크

Orc Longhouse

Orc Longhouse 체크

Whiterun Castle Wood Carvings

Wood Carvings Improved Vanilla 체크

Poor Coffin

Poor Coffin 체크

Skeletal Remains 3D

Skeletal Remains 3D 체크

Human Skull Fixes

Human Skull Fixes 체크


Hawk Improvements with Dragonborn DLC 체크


Improved Rabbit 체크

Tree - Juniper Tree

Improved Juniper Tree 체크

Tree - Tundra Tree

Improved Tundra Tree 체크

Shack Roofs

Improved Shack Roofs with Dragonborn 체크


SkyMills Compatibility 체크

(NOTE: May cause flicking at resolutions of 1080p and below.) 

Jewelry Rings

Jewelry Rings Vanilla 체크

(NOTE: for users NOT installing Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade.)

Jewelry Rings CCO Remade or Jewelcraft 체크

(NOTE: for Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade users.)

Rocks - Generic

Rocks - Generic 체크

Rocks - Blackreach

Rocks - Blackreach 체크

Rocks - Mountains

Rocks - Mountains 체크

Hanging Rings

Hanging Rings 체크

Furniture Textures

SMIM Default (Recommended) 체크

Dawnguard Soulcairn Bone Piles

Bone Piles Yellow Bones (Recommended) 체크

Hearthfires Stuff

Hearthfires Stuff 체크

Xtra Options - Half-Size Textures Addon

None 체크

(NOTE: Low VRAM graphic card users can use the half-size textures.)

Xtra Options - Ultra-Sized Textures Addon

None 체크

The following can be safely deactivated or moved to Optional ESPs if using the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch and the STEP Patches.

SMIM-DragonbornTernFix.esp - redundant with the STEP Patches

SMIM-DungeonsCliffsIceSkirts.esp - redundant with the STEP Patches

SMIM-FarmhouseFlickeringFix.esp - redundant with the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch

SMIM-FurnitureChestSnowFix.esp - redundant with the STEP Patches

SMIM-ShackRoofFixes.esp - redundant with the STEP Patches

SMIM-ShackRoofFixesDragonborn.esp - redundant with the STEP Patches

Core 4. Skyrim HD - 2K Textures

STEP recommends to download and install only the Landscape LITE optional file.

The following files from the main file should not be used, so either hide them with Mod Organizer in the Filetree or Data tab after installation or remove them from the mod package.

textures\landscape\roads (hide the entire folder)
































Core 5. HD Misc

Core 6. Tobes Highres Textures

Install the Tobes Highres Textures 1_2 1024 main file and the Tobes Highres Textures 1_2b SMIM Patch optional file.

This mod is not packaged correctly. Double-click on TobesHighResTextures1_2_1024. Right-click on Data and select [Set data directory]. Click [OK] to install. Repeat this for the SMIM Patch file and select [Merge] when asked.

The following files from the main file should not be used, so either hide them with Mod Organizer in the Filetree or Data tab after install or remove them from the mod package.

Do not hide or remove anything from the SMIM patch.













Core 7. High Quality Food and Ingredients


Core 8. A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads

Download and install the A Quality World Map - New Installer main file selecting the following options and only those options during install:

Quality Map (for hi-res meshes)

Install main roads ONLY!

Solstheim Map (DLC)


Clean Map Add-on

Do not install!

If a previous version was installed, Mod Organizer will prompt the user to Rename/Merge/Replace the mod. Select [Replace] and the external installer will run to install the mod options.

7. Landsscape & Environment

Optional 1. aMidianBorn Caves and Mines

2k can be used for those with at least 1GB VRAM.

Core 2. aMidianBorn Farmhouse


The following files should not be used, so either hide them with Mod Organizer in the Filetree or Data tab after install or remove them from the mod package.









Core 3. aMidianBorn Solstheim Landscape


The following files should not be used, so either hide them with Mod Organizer in the Filetree or Data tab after install or remove them from the mod package.
















Optional 4. aMidianBorn Whiterun


STEP recommends removing the following files/folders:

Textures\architecture\whiterun\ (City Wall)


Textures\architecture\whiterun\ (part of city wall)


Textures\architecture\whiterun\ (top of city wall)


Textures\architecture\whiterun\ (part of city wall)


Textures\architecture\whiterun\ (stairs)


Textures\architecture\whiterun\ (stone floor inside Dragonsreach)


Core 5. Skyrim Flora Overhaul

Download and install the Skyrim Flora Overhaul Basic Edition v1.87 main file.

Also install the Dragonborn addon v02 main file. Select [Merge] when asked while installing the addon.

Add/modify the following under [Grass] in Skyrim.ini to reduce the quantity of grass (as seen in this comparison):


Note that this value can be set to any number (default is 20), where a lower value corresponds to a higher grass density and thus lower performance. Try different values to see what provides the best balance of performance and visual quality.

Add/modify the following under [Grass] in Skyrim.ini for more grass variety (with a slight performance impact):


(The typo in "texture" was made by Bethesda and should be written that way.)

STEP recommends hiding or removing the following files:

Dragonborn addon v02




Skyrim Flora Overhaul Basic Edition v1.87

textures\landscape\dirtcliffs (the entire folder)






TES5Edit Cleaning Required

Core 6. Embers HD

STEP recommends the "Embers HD" main file.

[FOMOD Instructions]

Embers HD

Select One

Embers HD 1K 체크

Embers HD Add-Ons

Select Add-Ons

Fireplaces Add-On 체크

Forges Add-On 체크

Lava Crater Add-On 체크

Embers HD Patches

Select Add-Ons

Ultimate HD Fire Effects Patch 체크

Core 7. Enhanced Night Skyrim

Download and install only the Enhanced Night Skyrim v04 Low Stars optional file.

Core 8. Farmhouse Chimneys

STEP recommends the Farmhouse Chimneys 2.6 main file.

The CRF add on in the Fomod menu is included in the STEP Patches, so there is no need to install it.

[FOMOD Instructions]



Thinner Meshes



New Lands


New Villages


Arthmoor's Mods


Arthmoor's Individual Villages


Optional 9. Footprints

Install the Footprints v1_00 - Legendary main file. Clean save required if updating from 0.99

Core 10. HD Dark brotherhood door
STEP recommends the "No glowing eyes version" optional file ONLY.
This mod is not packaged correctly. Double-click on No glowing eye. Right-click on Data and choose [Set data directory]. Click [OK] to install.
Core 11. HD Enhanced Terrain
STEP recommends the Hd Enhanced Terrain and Map snow 1024x1024 Version old version.
Hide the following files:
Core 12. High Quality LODs
Install the HQLODs - Meshes Hi-Res main file.
Do not install the normals.
For slightly better performance at slightly less quality, the medium-resolution meshes can be used.
Core 13. HQ Snow Texture
HQ Snow Texture 2_7_1 1024 Loose
Core 14. Hybrids HD Plants and Herbs Retexture
This mod is not packaged correctly. Right-click on Data and choose [Set data directory]. Uncheck Thumbs.db. Click [OK] to install.
Core 15. Improved Vanilla Mountains HD
Optional 16. Lanterns of Skyrim - All In One
Download and install the Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - MCM Special Edition main file.
The optional files (presets) are designed for use with various ENBs and lighting mods. They are not needed for STEP-only installations. Only use one of these optional presets to match any active ENB or lighting mods.
[Mod Configuration Menu]
In the MCM settings for Lanterns of Skyrim, STEP recommends changing following settings:
Check every
Default: 5 secs
STEP: 60 secs
This will change how often the script checks the lanterns. Increasing this will prevent the script from running so often.
Enable lanterns along roads
Default: ticked
STEP: unticked
This will disable lanterns along the roads in Skyrim which returns those area to a more vanilla and lore-friendly state.

Core 17. Point The Way

Core 18. Real Wood Textures - Farmhouses

Download and install the "Real Wood Textures - Farmhouses No Green Moss Version 1K (S.T.E.P. Version)" file from the Optional Files section.

Optional 19. Re-Defined Dungeons WIP

Download and install the Re-Defined Dungeons 1024x1024 optional file.

This mod is not packaged correctly. When installing this mod, right-click on the Data folder and choose [Set data directory]. Okay [OK] to install.

If using the main file (2048x textures), hide or remove the candle textures as they conflict with SMIM.

The recommended version (1024x textures) does not contain these textures and does not have this issue.

Core 20. Realistic Water Two

Download and install the main file.

ENB Preset users may want to also install the Realistic Water Two - ENB Textures optional file. This optional file is not used for STEP, however, users also installing an ENB Preset will benefit from it.

[FOMOD Instructions]


1. Resolution

Medium [baseline]

2. Compatibility



3. Combination


4. New Lands

DO NOT SELECT ANY (unless all DLC are not used, in which case, deselect 3. Combination - Legendary and select the applicable DLC/add-ons)

5. Waves

DO NOT SELECT ANY (unless all DLC are not used, in which case, deselect 3. Combination - Legendary and select the applicable DLC/add-ons)

6. Other

Bobbing Longboats [nothing else]

The textures/effects/ and textures/effects/ files from this mod and SkyFalls and SkyMills are identical.

Realistic Water Two - ENB Textures

For use with ENB 0.233+ to enable parallax and displacement in water. "EnableParallax" and "EnableDisplacement" under [WATER] in your enbseries.ini file must be set to true. Contains all resolution sets. Requires the main file installed. Overwrite. Optional plugin courtesy of paganmetalfan.

Core 21. Skyrim Improved Puddles - SIP

Download the Skyrim Improved Puddles 1024 BAIN main file.

Choose both "00 - Core Files" and the "17 Dawnguard-HearthFires-Dragonborn DLC Users" options from the installer.

Core 22. The Ruffled Feather - Mod Collection

Download and install the main file.

[FOMOD Instructions]

Select Option(s)

Install Options

Install for STEP 체크

Also download and install the Enhanced Distant Terrain optional file.

[FOMOD Instructions]

Main File Options

Enhanced Distant Terrain

EDT - A Quality World Map Compatibility 체크

DLC Options

Dragonborn DLC

EDT Dragonborn - A Quality World Map Compatibility 체크

If installing separately or custom options, the STEP install options are Farmhouse Chimneys Optional Stacks, Decrease Those Plants (both options), Just Ice, Moss Rocks - Legendary, and Suped-Up Stalhrim 1K.

Core 23. Trees HD


If installing with MO:

Hide the following files:

meshes/landscape/trees (entire folder)



Core 24. Vivid Landscapes - Tundra Moss Revised

Download and install the Vivid Landscapes - Tundra Moss Revised - yellow 1024 main file.

Also install the SMIM compatibility patch optional file.

The optional file is not packaged correctly. Double-click high poly mesh.... Right-click on Data found below high poly mesh... and select [Set data directory]. Click [OK] and then [Merge] when asked.

Core 25. Whiterun Trellis Redesigned and HQ

Whitrun Trellis Texture 1024 v_1_1

8. Characters & Creatures

Optional 1. 83Willows 101BugsHD Butterfly Dragonfly Luna-Moth Torchbug

83Willows 101BUGs V4_1 LowerResolution HighSpawn

Core 2. Beards

Normal Resolution

Core 3. Better Beast Races v2


This mod is not packaged correctly. When installing this mod, right-click on the Data folder and choose [Set data directory]. Okay [OK] to install.

Core 4. Better Freckles

This mod is not packaged correctly. When installing this mod, right-click on the Data folder and choose [Set data directory]. Okay [OK] to install.

Optional 5. Birds and Flocks

STEP recommends only the Hearthfire Edition Cleaned optional file.

DynDOLOD will not run with this mod active. STEP recommends leaving it inactive until DynDOLOD is ran at the Patch section of the Guide.

TES5Edit Cleaning Required

Core 6. Brows
Standard Resolution
TES5Edit Cleaning Required

Core 7. Coverkhajiits

Download and install the coverkhajiits 1024x1024 optional file.

This mod is not packaged correctly. To install, double-click on coverkhajiits 1024x1024 to expand the directory. Next, double-click on khajiitfemale to expand the directory. Finally, right-click on Data and select [Set data directory]. Click [OK] to install.

The male textures are included in the Better Males mod so there is no need to install them here.

Core 8. Female Vampires Have Fangs

Core 9. GIANT

Download and install the Giant.2k optional file.


Download and install the Hagraven.2k optional file.

Core 11. Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul

Download version and install the main file. Only install the Core files.

[FOMOD Instructions]

First Screen

Main Part

Core 체크

Cutting Room Floor

Select Nothing

Enhanced Lighting for ENB

Select Nothing

Enhanced Lights and FX

Select Nothing

Open Cities Skyrim

Select Nothing

Provincial Courier Service

Select Nothing

Realistic Room Rental

Select Nothing

Users not installing the STEP Patches will want to install the options the FOMOD installer automatically selects.

Core 12. More Realistic Hair
Core 13. new children
Mod is not packaged correctly. Double-click child_detail_dirt. Right-click on data and choose [Set data directory]. Click [OK] to install.
Optional 14. PondFish and Salmon Replacer - texture
Mod is not packaged correctly. Double-click PondFish_Salmon_replacer_1.2. Right-click on Data and choose [Set data directory]. Click [OK] to install.
Core 15. Superior Lore-Friendly Hair - HD textures
Use the "SLF Hair - Rough Hair - Lite 1K" main file.
Core 16. The Elder Scrolls V Rewritten - Arvak
[FOMOD Instructions]
Installation Options
Texture Sizes
High Definition
Model Options
Soul Cairn

Core 17. TROLL

Download and install the Troll.2k optional file.

Core 18. Wiseman303's Critter Fixes

[FOMOD Instructions]



Select nothing



Monarch Wing Fix 체크

Bugs101HD Support (STEP Extended users only) 체크

PondFish and Salmon Replacer (STEP Extended users only) (체크)


STEP recommends to download and install only the Wispmother.2x1k optional file.

[FOMOD Instructions]


Select one

Full Version - skin with linen fabric cloth

Core 20. XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement

Download and install the main file only.

This mod is not packaged correctly. Right-click on Data and choose [Set data directory]. Click [OK] to install.

Core 21. XCE - Dawnguard

This mod is not packaged correctly. Right-click on Data and choose [Set data directory]. Click [OK] to install.

Core 22. Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles

*Geonox Faces *Underwear - Default

9. Clothing & Equipment

Core 1. aMidianBorn Blade of Woe

Only the main file.

Core 2. aMidianBorn Book of Silence

Instructions are current up to version 1.9 of the mod. 

Warning: The Bashed Patch must be used (instructions later in the Guide) when installing the Content Addon! Failing to do so will cause issues (e.g., naked NPCs).

[FOMOD Instructions]

aMidianBorn Book of Silence ARMORS





Iron and Banded

Iron - Vanilla Cut



Steel Plate

Steel Plate



Hide and Studded





Elven - Gold



Ancient Nord

Ancient Nord






Wolf - Grey Fur


Glass - Golden


Ebony - Black





aMidianBorn Book of Silence CREATURES







Dragon Priest

Dragon Priest









aMidianBorn Book of Silence DRAGONBORN DLC
Install Cabal's Cut (default)

aMidianBorn Book of Silence UNIQUE ITEMS
Install everything

aMidianBorn Book of Silence WEAPONS
Install all weapons (default)

Addon, Hotfix and Path Fix
Download and install the Staff of Magnus Hotfix into aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Unique Items.
Download and install the Content Addon.

Mod Organizer Guide
To install the Content Addon:
Choose "Manual" at the installation prompt
Untick aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp
Click the arrow next to Improved Closefaced Helmets Version
Click and drag the aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp file found under Improved Closefaced Helmets Version up to the <data> folder at the top of the pane
Now click "Ok" to install Content Addon
Place this mod directly under the aMidianBorn Book of Silence mod/s in the left pane of Mod Organizer (Priority Column)

Mod Organizer Guide
There is an incorrect file path in Book of Silence which needs to be fixed:
Notice:if the 4K variant is used these steps can be skipped.
After all files are installed, double-click on the Book of Silence - Dragonborn DLC mod
Click on the Filetree tab
Expand the file tree textures > actors > dlc02
Right-click on the ash folder and select Rename
Type in the name ashman and hit Enter/Retrun on the keyboard to save the new name
Close the window
Final Step
Mod Organizer Guide
Required: Depending on where you installed the mod, ie. the name of the mod that you used, right click the aMidianBorn Book of Silence or aMidianBorn Book of Silence WEAPONS mod and click [Information...]. Click the Optional ESPs tab and move aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp from the lower pane to the upper pane.

Core 3. aMidianBorn imperial light and studded

aMidianBorn Imperial Light 1dot1_2k

Core 4. aMidianBorn stormcloak officer armour

aMidianBorn Stormcloak officer

Core 5. Dawnguard Crossbow Explosive Bolts Visualized

Explosive Bolts Visualized v1_0_2

Also install the optional "Explosive Bolts Visualized HD Textures" file.

Core 6. Elemental Staffs

Install the main file.

Core 7. Gemling Queen Jewelry

Download and install the Gemling Queen Jewelry - All In One Installer main file.

[FOMOD Instructions

Main Modules

Main Modules

Amulets 체크

Circlets 체크

Rings 체크

DLC Addon

Dawnguard Addon 체크

Amulet Textures

Amulet Texture Options

Gamwich Amulet Textures - 512 체크

Ring Textures

Ring Texture Options

SMIM Textures 체크

Optional Mesh Packs

None 체크

Optional Mesh Packs Dawnguard

None 체크

Core 8. Skyrim Weapon De-LARP-ification Project

Skyrim Weapon DeLARPification Project v1_0_5

Also install the optional Dawnguard and Dragonborn files.

Core 9. Greatsword Sheaths and Scabbards Redux

[FOMOD Instructions]

Installation Options

Select DLC

Skyrim 체크

Dawnguard 체크

Dragonborn 체크

Meshes Type

Meshes - Thin 체크

Sheath/Scabbard Type

Fullsize 체크

Skyforge Steel

None 체크

Core 10. Mage Outfit Texture Overhaul (HD 2K) - MOTO - With Schools of Magic

Download and install the Mage Outfit Texture Overhaul - MOTO - SoM - USLEEP and CCF Compatible main file.

Core 11. New Thinner Torch

Use "Ultimate HD Torch by rheadude compatible" version ONLY.

Core 12. Nightingale Prime HD

STEP recommends "Leather".

Core 13. Not Really HD Mask of Clavicus Vile

STEP recommends "Wrecked".

Optional 14. TDN Vampire Armor Retexture

Download and install the Main File only.

Core 15. Ultimate HD Torch

Ultimate HD Torch MedRes - 1024x1024

Also install the Ultimate HD Torch -less glowing cloth- optional file.

10. Animations & Effects

Core 1. Animated clutter

Install all options except for Ship Idles.

Optional 2. Animated Weapon Enchants

STEP recommends the Animated Weapon Enchants - Vanilla Sounds optional file.

Core 3. Better Turn Animation only One pose

Install both the main file and the Fix Crossed Swords and Turn with Leg move update file.

Hide the following files:




Optional 4. Burn Freeze Shock Effects

This mod has been known to cause to issues, so it is highly recommended to use the memory patch included in SKSE.

Also install the optional Dragonborn Dawnguard file.

Optional 5. D13 Faster GET UP STAND UP animation vanilla friendly

Core 6. Dawnguard Rune Weapons FXS Replacer

Optional 7. Deadly Spell Impacts

DSI Med 1_6_1

If issues arise from this mod, try installing the low resolution version.

[FOMOD Instructions]



Custom 체크


Fire Spell Dependent Feature

One Fire Impact (Default) 체크



Default 체크


Alternative 1 체크


Default 체크

Core 8. DROPS

STEP recommends downloading only the Drops v1 optional file (the fomod version) with the following options:

[FOMOD Instructions]


Main File

DROPS - x512 체크


DROPS - Alternative Textures

DROPS - Alternative Texture for x512 체크

Hide the following files:




Optional 9. Dual Wield Blocking Animations

Optional 10. Enhanced Blood Textures

If you are planning to install the STEP:Extended Patch, then you may skip the DLC Patch. It's included in the Extended Patch.

[FOMOD Instructions]


Main Plugin

Enhanced Blood Textures Main 체크

Compatibility Patches

Dawnguard-Dragonborn (Legendary) 체크

Blood Size

None 체크

Wound Size

None 체크


Resolution and Color

Reduced Res / Default Color 체크

z Blurry Screen Blood (Optional)

None 체크

Alternative Textures

Alt. Blood Textures

None 체크

Optional 11. Improved Weapon Impact EFFECTS Correct Metal

Optional 12. Lightning during Thunder Storms

In the MCM settings for Lightning During Thunder Storms (Minty Lightning), STEP recommends changing following settings:

Lightning Config - Fork Lightning Options


Default: unticked

STEP: ticked

This will make the lightning strikes that hit the ground hostile. This means they can hurt you, NPCs and creatures. This is more realistic. If you don't like this, leave it unticked.

Frequency Delay

Default: 5 secs

STEP: 25 secs

This will reduce the frequency at which these ground strikes occur. STEP has increased this setting to provide a more realistic feel. The new setting will produce approximately one strike every 25 secs instead of one strike every 5 secs.

Leave all other settings unchanged.

Core 13. NoMaaM Breathing Idles BBB

Download and install the Female without BBB and Male Breathing Idles V0_1 optional file.

Core 14. Running with your Bow Replacer

Optional 15. Skyrim - Enhanced Camera

Optional 16. Smaller Ice Spike and Ice Spear

STEP recommends the Smaller Ice Spike 50 optional file.

Optional 17. Wonders of Weather

[FOMOD Instructions]



Wonders of Weather


Less Opaque Splashes

10. Clutter & Miscellaneous

Optional 1. The 418th Step

STEP recommends "Snow Version".

Core 2. Barenziah's Glory

[FOMOD Instructions]

Optional Textures

Crown Texture Options

Desaturated Crown Texture - 1k

Jewelrybox Texture Options

Gamwich Jewelrybox Texture - 1k

Gem Texture Options


Optional 3. Book Covers Skyrim

Book Covers Skyrim 3_5 LEGENDARY - Desaturated

STEP:Extended users: Please DISREGARD the following LOOT Meta Rule at this time. It pertains to interactions between this mod and another mod installed downstream in STEP:Extended, so this rule cannot be implemented until that mod is installed. That mod page also contains a similar LOOT Meta Rule instruction that can be applied later on.

[Mod Configuration Menu]

Meta Rule Instructions

Book Covers Skyrim.esp

Load After:


Optional 4. Dark Brotherhood Tenets Restored

Tenets Restored 1_3 - Standard Edition -> Medium Resolution

Core 5. Detailing the Eldrich - Higher-Res Riekling Architecture

This mod is not packaged correctly. Double-click on Detailing the Eldrich - Higher-Res Riekling Architecture. Right-click on Data and choose [Set data directory]. Click [OK] to install.

Hide the following files:



Core 6. LeanWolf's Improved Enchanter Candle Meshes

Core 7. Gemling Queen Dragon Claws

STEP Recommends: Solid with Refraction version

Core 8. HD Linens

Core 9. HD Ore And Ingots

STEP recommends the "With manager" file. The main file is mostly extraneous screenshots and duplicate files.


STEP recommends to download and install only the Horncandles.2k-1k optional file.

Core 11. HQ Paper

Core 12. N-R HD Display Case

STEP recommends "Smudged Glass".

Core 13. Not Really HD Keys

HD Keys With Normal Maps

Core 14. Pilgrims Delight - High Hrothgar Shrine Retextures

STEP recommends "Legacy" version.

Optional 15. Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons HD

Use "Booze v2 Non-Glow".

Core 16. Realistic HD Baskets

STEP recommends the Realistic HD Baskets QUALITY main file.

This mod is not packaged correctly. Double-click on REALISTIC HD Baskets QUALITY. Right-click on Data and choose [Set data directory]. Click [OK] to install.

Optional 17. Realistic Instruments - Flute Lute and Drum HQ

Optional 18. Rens HD Shrines

Users can install the textures of their preference.


STEP recommends the RUSTIC DRAGON CORPSE 2K file.



Core 21. Septim HD

Core 22. Silly Level of Detail - Wine Cellar -- SLOD WC

Also install "Less saturated labels" optional.


STEP recommends to download and install only the Skeleton.and.Human.Bones.2k optional file.

[FOMOD Instructions]


Select One

Skin, clutter, and a few sounds (Recommended) 체크

Core 24. Skyrim Redesigned WIP

A FOMOD is available for Mod Organizer users.

Extract the Skyrim Redesigned mod and this downloaded file

Place the "fomod" folder inside the Skyrim Redesigned folder (the one with the 33 folders in it)

Rearchive the Skyrim Redesigned folder and renaming it Skyrim Redesigned-8954-1-0. (This is so MO will add in the Nexus ID and version) The file structure should be: Skyrim Redesigned-8954-1-0.7z\34 individual folders.

Now install the archive like any other mod, choose the STEP recommend installation option and click Install.

If installing manually, install the following:

Alchemy Table v1

Anvil v1

Bloody rags v1

Brown (less saturated) money bags

Buckets - (meshes better with environment)


Chaurus eggs (LORE)

Cratewood v1

Enchanting table- Css01 retexture

Hasgraven claws

Skeever tail

Skeleton key v1

Spider eggs

Core 25. Soul Gems Differ - Full and Empty

Download and install the Soul Gems Differ - All-In-One main file.

[FOMOD Instructions]



Continue to installation 체크

Normal or Requiem

Are you using Requiem?

No  체크

ESP Files

Mod Version Options

Sort-friendly and Weighted  체크

Installation Options

Choose your install option

STEP Installation Option  체크

Install Soul Gems Differ

Mod Installation

Install Soul Gems Differ  체크

For STEP users using Wrye Bash, download the " Soul Gems Differ All-In-One" main file and run using the WB wizard. This will allow you to install the STEP-recommended Configuration.

All other users, the Requiem option will install a Requiem patched version of the mod so only choose "Yes" if you are using Requiem or your game will likely crash at start. The next screen allows you to install the version of the mod you want. This will also install all needed language files to make the mod multilingual. The next screen allows you to install the gem options. Either choose a pre-made option or choose custom to customize the options you want.

Core 26. Super Realistic Ore Textures

Download the Just the textures optional file. This mod is not packaged correctly. Right-click on Data and choose [Set data directory]. Click [OK] to install.

Core 27. Sweet Mother - the Night Mother Improvement

STEP recommends the main file only.

Core 28. White Phial Replacer

[FOMOD Instructions]

Version Selection

Version Selection

Non-Dawnguard Edition 체크

Options - Non-Dawnguard Edition

Texture Resolution

1024 체크

Bottle Size

50% 체크

11. Sound

Core 1. Better Animal Footsteps

[FOMOD Instructions]


Select one option

Install all of the footstep sounds 체크


Optional Pets of Skyrim patch

select nothing 체크

Core 2. Better Horse Pain Sounds

Core 3. Better Weapon Swing Sounds

This mod is not packaged correctly. Right-click on Data and choose [Set data directory]. Click [OK] to install.

Core 4. Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2

STEP Patch Users

Download and install the mod using the STEP/SR:LE option.

Non-STEP Patch Users

[FOMOD Instructions]

Main Files

Main AOS.esp Plugin

Skyrim + DG + DB 체크

AOS Sounds

Sound Files 체크

Compatibility Patches - Part 1

Weather/Sound Mod Patches

None 체크

Compatibility Patches - Part 2

Other Compatibility Patches

Deadly Spell Impacts 체크

Enhanced Blood Textures 체크

Improved Weapon Impact EFFECTS 체크

Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade 체크

Wet and Cold

Notice:Users that play with headphones may also consider the AOS_Reduced_Reverb file.

Notice: Please DISREGARD the following LOOT Meta Rule at this time. It pertains to interactions between this mod and another mod installed downstream in STEP:Extended, so this rule cannot be implemented until that mod is installed. That mod page also contains a similar LOOT Meta Rule instruction that can be applied later on.

[Meta Rule Instructions]


Load after:


Core 5. Dragons Shout with Voice

Also install optional file, Dragons Shout with Voice from location.

Core 6. Heart of the Beast - Werewolf Sound and Texture Overhaul

Feral Werewolf sounds - HIGH AGGRESSION

Core 7. IHSS - Improved Horse Step Sounds

This mod is not packaged correctly. Right-click on Data and choose [Set data directory]. Click [OK] to install.

Optional 8. Immersive Skyrim Thunder V6

This mod is not packaged correctly. Double-click on ImmersiveSkyrimThunderV6. Right-click on Data and choose [Set data directory]. Click [OK] to install.

Core 9. Improved Combat Sounds

Core 10. Lower Sounding Thieves Guild Door

Core 11. Smooth blade draw and Sheathe

Download and install only the Smooth draw and Sheathe sfx - Full options main file.

[FOMOD Instructions]


Please Read

All should be selected 체크

Choose one ADS version


Audio Dynamic Sneak 체크

Choose your options

SBDS options

Daggers 체크

1Handed blades 체크

2Handed blades 체크

Enchanted weapons 체크

Mute activation fail 체크

Mute critical hit 체크

Mute left hand 체크



Should be selected 체크

[Meta Rule Instructions]


Load after:

ADS.esp (this mod)

Optional 12. Thundering shouts

Download and install only the Thundering Shouts - loose files optional file.

Core 13. Ultra Realistic Bow Shoot Sounds

Core 14. Ultra Realistic Crossbow Shoot Sounds

12. Gameplay

Core 1. Auto Unequip Ammo

In the MCM settings for Auto Ammo Unequip, STEP recommends changing following settings:

Follower Addon

Default: unticked

STEP: ticked

This will add the mod's functionality to your followers as well.

Core 2. Better Stealth AI for Followers - No Torch while Sneaking

Install the "Better Stealth AI for Followers" main file that requires Dawnguard, not the Vanilla Only file.

Optional 3. Bring Out Your Dead

Core 4. ClamsDropPearls

Core 5. Come together N Out of the way - Nausicaa-S Tweaker

Optional 6. Convenient Horses

Optional 7. Dual Wield Parrying

Download and install the 00 Dual Wield Parrying SKSE 3_1 beta main file.

For better results you should use it with the recommended mod, 'Dual Wield Blocking animations' for proper blocking animations

[Mod Configuration Menu]

In the MCM settings for Dual Wield Parry, please note the default key (V) for blocking when dual wielding weapons. You may change this if you like. Make sure the Mod Active setting is ticked or the mod will not work.

Optional 8. Follower Trap Safety

Core 9. Gildergreen Regrown

Optional 10. Hearthfire Extended

STEP recommends the Hearthfire Extended - All DLCs (Legendary Edition) main file. If not using the STEP Patches (now included in the STEP Compilation), also install the Cutting Room Floor patch optional file.

Notice: Do NOT clean this mod with TES5Edit! The mod author states the one record xEdit finds is needed for the dialogue to work correctly.

Optional 11. Lock Overhaul

[Mod Configuration Menu]

You must activate the options in the MCM for Lock Overhaul or the mod will basically do nothing.

If the mod is not active, activate it.

In activating it, you'll have to exit the menus back to the game before you're able to see the available options.

STEP recommends changing following settings:

Smash Locks

Activate Smash Locks

Default: unticked

STEP: ticked

This will turn on the ability to smash locks with a weapon.

Allowed Weapons

Default: Only Two Handed

STEP: Two+ One Handed

This will allow locks to be smashed with one and two handed weapons but not with bows and crossbows, as long as you have the skill requirement.

Unlock with Magic

Enable Unlock Spell

Default: unticked

STEP: ticked

This will turn on the ability to unlock locks with destruction magic as long as you have the skill requirement.

Core 12. Non-Essential Children

Use the Hearthfire version.

Optional 13. Not So Fast - Main Quest

Optional 14. Oblivion Gates

Download and install the Oblivion Gates v3 Skyrim and Dawnguard DLC main file.

Only use one ESP; the "without markers" ESP is recommended by STEP.

Move the other ESP to Optional ESPs in MO.

Optional 15. SM Drop Lit Torches

Optional 16. Skyrim Coin Replacer Redux

Download and install the SCRR - Legendary Edition main file and the Septim HD Coinpiles optional file.

Core 17. Skyrim -Community- Uncapper

This mod is not packaged correctly. When installing this mod, right-click on the Data folder and choose [Set data directory]. Okay [OK] to install.

STEP recommends the defaul INI values. To customize Uncapper see this Guide: Skyrim Uncapper guide.

Optional 18. The Choice is Yours - Fewer Forced Quests - Improved Dialogue Options

Download and install the The Choice Is Yours - Legendary main files. This mod has conflicts with Bring Out Your Dead. The STEP Patches (installed with the STEP Compilation) address these conflicts.

[Meta Rule Instructions]

Book Covers Skyrim.esp

Load After:

TheChoiceIsYours.esp (this mod)

Core 19. The Paarthurnax Dilemma

Note: The Nexus page for this mod has a spoiler for those that have not played the main quest yet.

Optional 20. Thieves Guild Requirements

Optional 21. Timing is Everything - Quest Delay and Timing Control

Core 22. Traps Make Noise - More Dangerous Traps

Install the Traps Make Noise main file and the Traps Make Noise - Follower Safety Patch optional file if Follower Trap Safety was installed earlier in this section.

Optional 23. Wet and Cold

Install the Wet & Cold - Ashes optional.

Optional Installation: Higher quality fur coats can be installed by ticking the High Res Fur Coats optional.

This will install 2K textures. This is completely optional and not required by STEP.

Otherwise, just leave it unticked for the 1K textures.

Core 24. Wiseman303's Trap Fixes

Install checking only the Traps Make Noise compatibility option.

Optional 25. Even Better Quest Objectives - EBQO

[FOMOD Instructions]

Options for this mod


automatically selected

Optional Files

Dark Brotherhood Forever to Miscellaneous Quests

Compatible Mods

Cutting Room Floor by Arthmoor

Non-Essential Killable Childrens by Team Mystery and kryptopyr

The Paarthurnax Dilemma by Arthmoor

Notice: STEP Extended Patch users can skip the Optional Files and Compatible Mods sections above. They are incorporated into the Extended Patch.

13. Patches

Core 1. STEP Compilation

Download and install the STEP Compilation Installer main file of your choice.

Normal Res version follows the STEP baselines. High Res version are the higher resolution options for the mods which have them. Follow the instructions in the advanced FOMOD.

The installer will ask to overwrite the STEP Optimized Textures from early in the guide, it is recommended to give the Compilation a different name, so Mod Organizer will install the mod in a separate folder.

Type a name into the text field where the filename is located or choose one from the dropdown menu.

Continue with the FOMOD and select the appropriate options.

Notice: The STEP patches are now included in the STEP Compilation (this mod). The installer should help you determine which Patches are available to be installed with each user's setup. If an option is not available for selection, then there is a missing mod or plugin in the setup which is needed by the STEP Patches. See the OP of the forum topic to help determine any missing mods.

Core 2. Bashed Patch

Optional 3. Dual Sheath Redux

Core 4. Better Shaped Weapons

Optional 5. Fores New Idles in Skyrim

STEP recommends only the FNIS Behavior file.

Notice:Users only need to run this mod if also using the Maximum Skeleton, or other mods that support/require it. For STEP, this applies to Dual Sheath Redux, which is listed in the Patches section of the Guide. Disregard this mod if Dual Sheath Redux was not installed.

Mod Organizer Guide

Since you must launch FNIS through Mod Organizer in order for it to recognize your mods, add FNIS to the list of executables by doing the following:

In the right pane, go to the Data tab.

Locate the tools folder and expand it. Then expand the GenerateFNIS_for_Users folder.

Right-click the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe file and select [Add as executable].

In the window that opens, type FNIS for the executable name.

Click [OK].

Now each time you want to run FNIS, simply select it from the drop-down menu at top right and click Run.

Once FNIS is installed and set up to run inside Mod Organizer, the animation files need to be generated for the skeleton changes and weapon placement to show properly in game. Combined with XP32 Skeleton and Dual Sheath Redux, Fore's New Idle System allows users to place swords, daggers, and shields on the Player Character's back instead on the hip and arm.

Launch FNIS via Mod Organizer.

In the Available Patches at the bottom of the window, check the box adjacent to "SKELETON Arm Fix".

Click the [Update FNIS Behavior] button and wait for a message to appear in the window stating "X animations for Y mods successfully included.".

Click [Exit].

Mod Organizer Guide

After closing FNIS, there will be files in Overwrite (essentially a fake mod located at the bottom of the left pane if sorted by priority ascending) created by FNIS. Right-click Overwrite and select Create Mod, name it FNIS Output and click OK. This will create a new mod listing in the left pane for the FNIS generated files. You will then need to check it to enable it. Each subsequent time you update FNIS behavior, you must open Overwrite and drag the new files back to this mod.

Notice:People using Wrye Bash to manage their mods will need to do the following: After installing the mod, the executables ("GenerateFNISforUsers.exe" & "hkxcmd.exe") will not have been installed. Either copy them over manually to the relative path corresponding to the installer package or simply manually copy the "Data" directory within the package into skyrim/ and overwrite all files. This ensures that Wrye Bash can manage the installation of all conflicting meshes.

Core 6. Dynamic Distant Objects LOD